Sunday 22 January 2012

Audience Feedback 2

1. In a short paragraph tell us what you think of our products?

- The video and products are good especially your video however your CD case is to basic and is boring; if you are going to use black and white maybe you need something else like more detail to catch the audiences eye. I like your poster and the way the images in both products match. The only thing i would change in the video is the lip sync and zoom it looks abit messy.

- For a first attempt your video is well done however there are some improvements to make for example the lip syncing is either in time or completely out and the consistency isn't there. Similarly to your lighting its good and then then end scene is too over exposed. I think your location is good and actors play the roles well. You advert is good and shows your product well although your Digipak doesn't quite live up to the same standards and lets the rest down.

2. Do you like the text font we used?

- Yes the font was cool and quirky. It was also different and really matched the chosen genre.

- I like the font you used as its different and therefor eye catching. It works well against both the white and imaged background and matches the style of genre.

3. Do you feel the actors were appropriate?

- The actors were really good and showed a good connection and chemistry. They acted well however the lip syncing was a little out of time.

- Your casting for your products was good and the couple had a great connection and showed a good on screen relationship. They worked well together and looked pleasing on screen.

4. Did you think the type of film we shot matched the music?

-  Yes everything worked well together, and really complemented the music.

- I do, the music went well with the location, actors, story line etc.

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