Friday 20 January 2012

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

When creating our three products we took into consideration a way in which we could advertise our product effectively. A way in which media producers do this is through cross media advertising; We have kept our mise-en-scene the same throughout. Both the filming and photo shoot was taken in the same park in Solihull on similar days to get the effect we were after. 

In this particular location we filmed the final scenes in which the two actors were singing together, it is also the same bench in the location that the advertisement image was taken just from a different angle as shown below.

Similarly as you can see in the images the actors have worn the same clothes and are in fact the same actors which is important as the song is a duet between Ellie Goulding and Erik Hassle it relates to the song. 
I think its important to keep a theme and ideas through out the three products as it gives the audience something to relate to and gives them an idea into what they can expect.
Our products have been closely linked between each other effectively and tells the audience about the type of music video it is and also gives a vague idea about the story line.

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