Internet sites;
We used Blogger to present all of our work. I preferred this as it meant we could access it anywhere with my smart phone. Also it meant that i wouldn't have multiple pieces of paper to misplace. This is a screen shot of my blogging dash board and blog its self.
I used Facebook to retain some audience feedback for my final product. I found this useful as its a quick and easy tool that many people use and connect with daily.
I used Youtube as a way to show others my video. It created a quick and easy link that they could get to anytime. It also helped me as i had trouble uploading my video straight onto the blog, through using youtube i could solve the problem and post in an alternative way.
Hard Ware:
This is a Sony A1e Camcorder we used this camera to record the footage. It was the first time we had used the camera. It was relatively easy to use and we picked up the basics easily as we got used the camera we were getting better shots. However we could of improved on our zoom as it jolts.
This is a Nikon D70 SLR a professional camera however the difference between the 2 cameras is that this particular one is used for still images. We used this camera to do the photo shoot to get the main images we used for our ancillary products. As I studied Photography at college I already knew how to use the camera and how i could use it to get the best possible image for example i shot in 'vivid' so the colours would "pop" out as it was quite a dim day.
Soft Ware:
We used Photoshop CS5 to create both of our ancillary products and edit the photoshoot. It is a photo editing suite which allows you to create documents such as the advert and digiPak, we could change the colours using the levels and curves add text and improve image quality all through this programme. It came in use because as it was a dim day when we conducted our shoot; photoshop allowed us to edit it a brighten it up.
I believe that all these new technologies have helped me create a better project. Through the internet we have been able to contact people and share our video on a larger scale than if we were walking round after people. Also the new technology in the cameras gave us crisp, sharp images which is essential in capturing the attention in the audience.
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