Tuesday 13 December 2011

Choosen image for our advert...

Before It had been edited

Final Image

We choose this image as we thought it looked better with Jack the male actor looking into the camera so we could directly engage the audience to the advert making it more personal. At the beginning there was a path and a black sign in the background which we felt ruined our images mise-en-scene and therefore took it out using the clone tool in photoshop CS5 as the first screen shot shows. The colours were also to washy in the original image so to change this we went into 'image, adjustments,curves' as you curved the line on the histogram into a gentle 's' shape.

"The key concept with curves is that you can never add contrast in one tonal region without also decreasing it in another. In other words, the curves tool only redistributes contrast. All photographs therefore have a "contrast budget" and you must decide how to spend it — whether this be by spreading contrast evenly (straight diagonal line) or by unequal allocation (varying slope)." (http://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials/photoshop-curves.htm)

We believe by preforming both of these tasks on photoshop the overall image quality has increased and made it suitable for the advert we intend to create.

Contact sheet for ancillary product images

This is our contact sheet we created in Photoshop CS5. It shows all the images we took from our photoshoot for our ancillary products we used the same location as we filmed in and also took into consideration the mise-en-scene. This will directley correspond to our video as we wanted to make sure all our products were similar so we could cross media advertise our product. As you can see images DSC_0127, 0128,0129 are too dark to be used and although we could use photoshop exposure to change the image but would then decrease our image quality.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Booking form for camera

This form is compulsory for us take out the equipment we need from college. It asks us to assess the risks to camera when on location. 

Sunday 13 November 2011

Tutorial Videos

I used this video to help me produce my video. It taught me the basic skills I needed to produce our video. It helped me plan the timeline and shot organisation, also how to use the transitions and cutting certain shots.

This video helped me use photoshop layers to create both my digipak and advert.

Thursday 10 November 2011

DigiPak Plan- basic

Advert plan- basic

Equipment and Resource list

Location Recce

Brueton Park, Solihull

Production information:
·         20Th November 2011
·          10:00am- 4:30pm
·         Couple laughing and joking walking through the park
·         Camera, Tripod, Tape, Clothing
·         The rain may stop us from filming our scenes, also people may interrupt the filming by walking through the scene etc.

Sound information:
·         We aren’t actually filming the sound; we are cutting it out after and over lapping it with the track.

Power information:
·         We will make sure all electrical equipment has been fully charged the day before as we are shooting on location and have no access to electricity.

 At our particular location we will not need to gain permission as it is a public place however we may face some problems such as having other people around that may not want to be on film also we may not want others in the shot at all.

Possible hazards:
·         Considering we are filming outside we will need to consider the potential weather conditions however I  feel if it rains we can still go on with production as it would add another dimension to the video, however it becomes to heavy we will have to postpone filming
The lake on the left hand side of the path becomes a hazard to both the equipment and the actors as there is a potential drowning hazard. 

The Woods, Solihull

Production information:
·         20Th November 2011
·          10:00am- 4:30pm
·         Multiple shots of both male and female walking through the woods alone and ending with them crossing paths and finally coming together.
·         Camera, Tripod, Tape, Clothing
The rain may stop us from filming our scenes, also people may interrupt the filming by walking through the scene etc.

Sound information:
We aren’t actually filming the sound; we are cutting it out after and over lapping it with the track.

Power information:
We will make sure all electrical equipment has been fully charged the day before as we are shooting on location and have no access to electricity.

At our particular location we will not need to gain permission as it is a public place however we may face some problems such as having other people around that may not want to be on film also we may not want others in the shot at all.

Possible hazards:
Considering we are filming outside we will need to consider the potential weather conditions however I  feel if it rains we can still go on with production as it would add another dimension to the video, however it becomes to heavy we will have to postpone filming.

Overall Risk Assessment

The risks in both locations are very similar. We needed to take into consideration various elements of the locations that may bring us problems. The weather for example not only will this ruin our ideas for the film, the rain also represents problems with the technology as the rain will ruin the cameras; to overcome this we will need to check weather reports for the days we intend to both film and photoshoot, if the rain presents itself after we have started filming we will have to postpone filming to a later date. As we are filming outside in the public we need to be aware of members of the public will be walking around and we will have quite alot of kit with us we need to be aware of the surroundings and the people around us. We also need to take in account that people may walk into the shot and ruin the filming; to  limit this happening we can wear high vis jackets to show people what we are doing.
The lake on the left hand side of the path of our first location also present s a problem as it can become a potential drowning hazard, to prevent this we will need to mark out a boundary as there is no fencing. If we were to cone of the area it would show in the video and ruin the mise-en-scene. We will need to make sure the public can walk past safely without going to close to the lake and also make sure our actors are aware of the dangers, to prevent accident.


Permission to use track

We contacted an agent to see if were allowed to use the track here is our reply.

Lyric Breakdown..

We as a group decided that we needed to analyse the lyrics and base our ideas on the timing of the song so we could get the best possible video that correaltes to the music.

Font test

This is our font test we conducted to help us with our creative decisions. We used a range of different fonts that we thought would best reflect our audience and the music genre. We then asked 25 different people which one they preferred. 'series of unfortunate event' text got the most marks with 9. We found this font on www.dafont.com; the text was used on both our ancillary products to keep the cross media advertising fluently. 

Choosen track

Ellie Goulding ft Erik Hassle "Be mine"

This is out choosen song that we have decided to make a music video for. It is an unreleased track that Ellie Gouling and Erik hassle produced its Cover from the artist 'Robyn'. 

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Secondary Research

NME published a gallery of 20 photos linked with the 20 most contravercial music videos ever in the summer last year. It talks about who, what, and when the music videos were released and why they were so contravercial.


Wednesday 12 October 2011

New Media Research

Sony A1E camcorder

Sony A1E features:
  • HDV / DVCAM / DV switchable
  • Built - in down - conversion to DV
  • Carl Zeiss lens
  • CMOS sensor with enhanced imaging processor
  • still image capture
  • B & W / colour switchable viewfinder
  • Exposure lever
  • Selectable manual focus / zoom ring
  • Tele macro function
Sony A1E benefits:
  • Designed for professional use
  • Ultra - compact design
  • Ability to choose the most appropriate recording format for my production
"Sony's smallest, lightest yet professional HDV camcorder Boasting an incredibly small size, and providing HDV with the 1080i standard, the HVR-A1E offers a host of advanced features for professional use. Using technology such as CMOS means the HVR-A1E is an ultra-compact camcorder capable of providing HDV in full 1080 line resolution." http://www.sony.co.uk/biz/product/hdvcamcorders/hvr-a1e

This is the camera we intend on using to create our music video. I have studied photography in college this may give me an advantage on what shot types to use etc.

Final Cut pro
Video editing;
  • Magnetic timeline
  • Clip connections
  • Compound clips
  • Auditions.
  • 64 - bit architecture
  • Resolution independance
  • GPU utilisation
  • Background processing
  • Shared render engine
  • High - quality rendering
  • Coloursync - managed colour pipeline
  • Grand central dispatch.
This is the editing software that we will use to add the soundtrack to our video also we will edit the transitions between shots and scenes. As we haven't used this software before we will have to learn about how to use it as we go along, we could find video tutorials online.

Photoshop CS5
Photoshop CS5 features:
  • Make quick image corrections
  • Control colour and tone
  • Process images professional with photoshop camera raw 6
  • Edit and unhance images intelligently
  • Painting and drawing toolset
  • Advanced compositing features
  • Streamlined workflow
  • New time saving tools

Monday 10 October 2011

Findings from the questionnaire

This question specifies the age of our target audience; we have targeted our music video for ages 15 - 18, middle to late teens. As this was our target audience we chose participants around this age so that we obtained relevant data that we could use.  We surveyed 20 people; 19 of which were 13 - 19, 1 of which was 20 - 30.

This question specifies the gender of our questionnaire participant. The data shows that we questioned 13 males and 7 females. We feel that the song we have chosen to make a music video on appeals to both genders but sways more to the male gender, therefore we questioned slightly more males than females so that our results were more helpful.

This question specifies what genre of music our target audience listen to most. The data obtained shows that indie/ acoustic music was the most popular choice for our target audience; therefore we decided to make a music video for Ellie Goulding - Be mine (ft Erik Hassle) as it fits the genre our target audience like listen to most.

This question specifies how our target audience watch music videos. The data illustrated in the pie chart   is that our target audience use a variety of different technologies/ gadgets to view music videos. This has informed me that when we advertise our music video we need to make it available to view on TV, mobile phones and online so that it can be viewed by our target audience.

This question specifies what our target audience prefer in a music video. The results show that a narrative story line is the most popular choice so therefore we decided it would be best to do that in our own music video.  

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Template for our Questionnaire

Music video Questionnaire

1.      How old are you?
[] 12 or under
[] 13-19
[] 20-30
[] 31-50
[] 50+

2.      What gender are you?
[] Male
[] Female

3.      What Genre of music do you listen to?
[] Pop
[] Rock/ heavy rock
[] Indie / acoustic
[] R’n’B
[] Classical
[] Jazz
[] Dance
[] other

4.      If so what do you watch music videos on?
[] Online if so what site ……………………………………………………………………………………….
[] On the TV
[] Mobile phone
[] Tablets

      5.      What’s your favourite Music Video and why?
6.      Do you prefer....
[] The band/ artist to be in the video
[] A narrative storyline (the video tells a storey which relates to the video)
[] Or an Entertaining act such as dancers etc.
[] Animated 

7.      What do you expect to see in an acoustic video?

8.      Where do you expect the location to be for a romantic song?

9.       Do you watch the video or just listen to it?
[] Watch
[] Listen
[] Both

Secondary Resesarch

Over many years there have been many ideas of how a music video should be shown and how stereotypes have been portrayed. when looking closer into some pop videos today you ca see the way women have been sexualised and the males portrayed as the domineering character. 

For example in videos such as "California Gurls" by Katy Perry and Snoop Dogg show the sexualisation of the girls in minimal clothing and refers to capitalism and the ideas of a material world and the American dream.

Not only does they sexualise the characters but can also show extreme scenes of violence and conflict; NME looked into the 20 most controversial music videos over time, and commented on what happened in them.  

There has been many news articles about the way music videos have been produced and the way the media have percieved it.

When researching into other music videos and reviews i have learnt that when making a video we have to be sensitive towards our intended audience and not influence them in a bad way for example if our target audience is for people aged 15 and under we have to be careful not sexualise the women too much in the mise-en-scene or how we dress them which seems to have been a big issue in the contemporary media. also we have to look into what possible social aspect may effect the video, NME has showed us the some videos have been deemed as politically incorrect and we will need to plan our video according.

Monday 3 October 2011

DigiPak analysis- Pearl Jam

This is an example of a 6 Page Digipak from the band 'Pearl Jam'. When you first see the digipak you see the image of the road which has been continued onto the back page, this may because the band want you to focus on the image and if its continues they will be instantly attracted to it. The image relates to the rule of thirds which means that the audience will be instantly drawn into the images this also the colours used are opposite on the colour wheel making it look odd which is another technique to attract the audiences attention.
The layout is in a horizontal format which suggests the bands stability in the music business and what they do.
As you open up the case there is one  more images page which is in the the rest is just a black with the red and white CDs to stand out. There is also a triangular hole in the case which is filled by the opposinfg image on the instead a 'yeild' sign which means stop, maybe to get the audience to stop and look at the pack.
The text on the digipak is minimal and on the front there is only the bands name in small yet simple typography which reflects the artists themselves and this album.

DigiPak analysis- Nine inch Nails

This is an example of an 8 pane digipak from the band nine inch nails. They have used a various numbers of colours which consist of earthy brown and burnt out whites in contrast to the bright vibrant reds and oranges. The reds and oranges suggest danger, lust or fire which can relate to rock music; The band nine inch nails are infact a rock band.
when you first open the pack you see the second image down which shoes what looks like a wall which has had nails in it and been filled in maybe, this gives the audience an insight into whats the bands about and there genre. The colours suggest rust and age in the maybe you should keep the cd for a while and that it will last becoming a timeless classic; the connotation of rust also suggest steel which nails have been made out of. When you then go to open the cd out again you come to the two CDs. These also show an image of a fossil which then links to the idea of age and time passing. Within this digipak they have used no photographs of the Band or of the subject that there album feature.   

When looking at the typography on the album the first thing you see is the logo situated off centre to the left of the image. 'NIN' the final N is backwards as it it something different and out of the ordinary your eye is automatically drawn to it. It is also surrounded by a dark thick outline. After you see this and notice it off centre you then go to scan the cover to find out the bad and what the albums called if you wernt aware of there logo as it breaks conventions.

Advertising analysis;NME S.C.U.M

This is the albums advertising found in 10the september 2011 edition of NME. They have used the same colours and image that was used on there album cover shown below also in ther video 'Amber hands'; this there fore shows a running theme between the products showing cross media advertising.

This is ther album cover

The pale peach colours suggest innocence and that it may appeal more to a female audince however the 'S.C.U.M' is a derogatory term and is opposite to both the colour and pictures the band have portrayed.
The advertsing clearly shows the album can be brought in Amazon on a pre-order giving there fans the chance to get it first without in selling out; it also shows the how the audinece can purchase it 'CD/ Deluxe Vinyl/ Download' which makes it available to a wider audince. Also shows us that they are featuring in 'NME emerge radar tour' tells you where you can find the dates and links you to
their website so you have to look around there website to find what you are looking for thus in force interetsing the audince futher.