Monday 3 October 2011

Advertising analysis;NME S.C.U.M

This is the albums advertising found in 10the september 2011 edition of NME. They have used the same colours and image that was used on there album cover shown below also in ther video 'Amber hands'; this there fore shows a running theme between the products showing cross media advertising.

This is ther album cover

The pale peach colours suggest innocence and that it may appeal more to a female audince however the 'S.C.U.M' is a derogatory term and is opposite to both the colour and pictures the band have portrayed.
The advertsing clearly shows the album can be brought in Amazon on a pre-order giving there fans the chance to get it first without in selling out; it also shows the how the audinece can purchase it 'CD/ Deluxe Vinyl/ Download' which makes it available to a wider audince. Also shows us that they are featuring in 'NME emerge radar tour' tells you where you can find the dates and links you to
their website so you have to look around there website to find what you are looking for thus in force interetsing the audince futher.

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