Tuesday 13 December 2011

Choosen image for our advert...

Before It had been edited

Final Image

We choose this image as we thought it looked better with Jack the male actor looking into the camera so we could directly engage the audience to the advert making it more personal. At the beginning there was a path and a black sign in the background which we felt ruined our images mise-en-scene and therefore took it out using the clone tool in photoshop CS5 as the first screen shot shows. The colours were also to washy in the original image so to change this we went into 'image, adjustments,curves' as you curved the line on the histogram into a gentle 's' shape.

"The key concept with curves is that you can never add contrast in one tonal region without also decreasing it in another. In other words, the curves tool only redistributes contrast. All photographs therefore have a "contrast budget" and you must decide how to spend it — whether this be by spreading contrast evenly (straight diagonal line) or by unequal allocation (varying slope)." (http://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials/photoshop-curves.htm)

We believe by preforming both of these tasks on photoshop the overall image quality has increased and made it suitable for the advert we intend to create.

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